Perhaps you've noticed, I've been doing a bit of running in the past year. Last summer was dedicated to training for my first 5K. This summer is dedicated to training for this half marathon. It doesn't feel like that big of a jump to go from 3 miles to 13.1 (I might be singing a different tune closer to race day...) but a big part of that is because I've had some great coaching for this endeavor from Mark at and (Pause here - take a minute to check out the websites... Okay, let's continue.)
Here's a bit of what I wrote in a testimonial earlier this summer...
My best racing time was a 10 minute mile. Two months into my training with Mark, I ran a 5K with a mile time of 8:33! He plans a variety in training with speed, hills, distance, and time, so that you don't get bored with workouts and you are ready for any conditions in a race. Thanks to Mark's coaching, I'm now a stronger runner, a smarter runner, and a faster runner.
And I really wanted to let other runners know how great this training has been, so I'm giving away one Ultimate 5K Training Plan from!
These are training plans that will help you run your best, regardless of whether you're a beginning runner or someone who's looking for better workouts and an improved time.
(Its worth noting that Turkey Trot season is about 12 weeks away, and what do you know? These plans are 12 weeks long! You can do it!)
(Its worth noting that Turkey Trot season is about 12 weeks away, and what do you know? These plans are 12 weeks long! You can do it!)
The giveaway will end at midnight Monday, August 19, at which time I will randomly select a winner, confirm their entry, and pass along the necessary information you'll need to get your plan and get running!
Here is how you can enter:
~ Subscribe to the What We Are Eating e-mail list (look on the right side of this here page)
~ Share this giveaway blog post on Facebook
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Please make sure to record your entry on the Rafflecopter widget below!
Please make sure to record your entry on the Rafflecopter widget below!
The giveaway is live, so get your entries in!
This giveaway is sponsored by What We Are Eating.